This book can best be described as a concise yet detailed account of the life and learnings of a dermatologist with more information packed into its 14 chapters than seen in most books three times its size. Each chapter is a peep into a different facet of the practice of medicine – a facet that is not explored in the medical college.
The book talks about the 50 years of the life of this extraordinary man with a life full of unusual and noteworthy events and achievements that excites a reader to go through this chronicle filled with the most illustrative narration of his imagination, his industry, his intelligence, and his sense of dedication.
Dr. Ganesh Pai’s knowledge covers a wide variety of subjects and is remarkable, among other reasons, for the welding of dermatologic thought with data in the basic sciences and internal medicine. More importantly, this book provides a roadmap for doctors to be excellent entrepreneurs by providing important details about managing finances, leadership, marketing, minimizing medical errors, pilferage and malpractice suit, etc., which are not covered in the medical college curriculum.
So, turn the page and begin your journey of owning, running, and growing your own medical practice!
Highlights of few of chapters
Talks about his initial journey, trials, and tribulations. This chapter is a beautiful insight into the dilemmas faced by a doctor and how these baby steps lead him towards taking confident steps into the field of dermatology.
It is all about vision and carving a new path with fresh ideas, teaching us that a vision is indeed the art of seeing what is invisible to others.
Talks about the dilemma of choosing the right path and the insurmountable obstacles to setting up a practice and ways to overcome those obstacles.
Ventures into the patient psyche, allowing a little humour in life to lighten the burden and break the monotony of life and at the same time giving us an insight into dealing with different patients.
Tells the readers to be nimble about financial investments. It is good to earn well, but it is great to know how to invest and make your money grow safely – a management lesson that is never taught in the medical school.
Talks about the lighter side of life. The incidents mentioned here will definitely teach you to take things easy with a pinch of salt.
‘Animal Care Trust’ is a charitable hospital cum rescue home, shelter for sick, injured, community animals and birds situated in Mangalore, Karnataka.
CONTRIBUTE NOW VISIT ANIMAL CARE TRUSTSome books should be tasted, some devoured, but only a few should be chewed and digested thoroughly – this is one such book to learn the life lessons from the perspective of ‘An Accidental Dermatologist’.
I invite you to join him on the journey of his eventful and purposeful life. Dr. Ganesh Pai, teacher, investment guru, writer, speaker, business brain, family man, animal activist, and last but not least “Accidental Dermatologist”.
Life has dished out a plethora of experiences that came my way over the course of my career without which I would not have been able to take the directions I pursued. They were like signposts providentially placed in my path, which let me know what roads I had to go down in order to elaborate on the patterns of experience I seemed destined to live.
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